Friends. Please slow down and focus on what matters. I spent the last 8 months trying to work from home while being a wife and mother. I wanted my house spotless and well decorated. I wanted to have a gourmet meal on the table every night when my husband got home. I wanted my kids to be well-dressed and mannered. I wanted to accomplish everything, everyday within the 24 hour time frame I was allotted, and you know what? I felt defeated every day and like I hadn't succeeded. There was always more that could be done, and I felt the weight constantly.
You know what I've come to figure out? The most successful people in life aren't those who have a million things going on, they are the ones who choose a few things that they want to focus on and make them happen. Figure out what is truly important to you, and make that your priority.
Like I mentioned, I spent the last 8 months working from home. That meant I got to be with my kids and work, what a dream! I was blessed to have such an opportunity, but I never felt truly satisfied. My children felt like a distraction from my work, rather than the most important work. I feel like I couldn't truly focus on them and their needs, and spend the time loving and nurturing them. So, what's a mom to do?
My advice to everyone is to slow down and determine your priorities. Pick three things that you want to accomplish and make them happen. I want to have a great relationship with my husband and kids, have a well-ordered home and work when I can. Seriously, stop trying to do everything at once. You will only run yourself into the ground, and feel defeated in the end.
I share all of this because I went from working full-time to part-time, and I feel great. I feel light, free and at peace. I feel like I've spent genuine time bonding with my kids and accomplished much more that I can feel good about.
Forget what social media and society are telling you. Look at what you've been blessed with and focus on that.
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